2013-10-07 00:10:45 UTC
So listening to this guy and not having much experience… I believed him. I am a 6 foot tall 170 pound male. My board dimensions are 5’10”-21”-26.3” I bought my board for more money than I would care to admit and went surfing the very next day. It was difficult. I got up a few times but I usually fell as soon as I tried to stand up. After being in the water for about five hours I decided to give up for the day. I was very worried and concerned prior to that session because after buying the board I read some forums online about how the length would be an issue (something I feel the guy I bought it from should have told me….and something I should have researched before making this STUPID impulsive purchase). I decided to try and return the board and explained my situation, and the owner told me I was surfing in the wrong spot and I needed a more powerful break. He told me to give it another two or three weeks surfing 2-3 times per week, and said that if it still didn’t work out then they could take the boards and sell them for me getting 20% of the commission (meaning they would not take the board back even though I had it less than 24 hours :/). I knew that it would be a big transition and I am still motivated to continue with the board I bought, however reading all these forums about board length still has me worried (forums said a rough estimate of fish board length for beginners should be 3 inches taller than your height).
I definitely let my inexperience get the best of me in this case. So all arrogance aside for now, my question is… would it even be worth it to continue with the board I bought? Or should I just cut my losses and put it on craigslist buying a board more suited for my weight and height? I am currently able to go out twice a week and for the past 5 weeks now I have made a habit of it. I am still going to try the new spots he recommended regardless and I haven’t given up yet!